Doc-works case study

How interoperability enabled Welsh Ambulance Services to improve their safeguarding service

New WAST Logo case study version

Welsh Ambulance Services University NHS Trust

“Since 2017 Welsh Ambulance Services University NHS Trust have worked in collaboration with Doc-works to develop and implement a fully digitalised safeguarding reporting system across the whole of Wales. The system enables our staff to make safeguarding referrals directly from their iPad's and PC's to the appropriate Local Authority or partner agency in real time.
Since the implementation in 2019 Doc-works have continued to support us in creating a suite of referral pathways for service users with specific needs including Fire and Rescue Services, Live Fear Free (domestic abuse) and Dementia. Doc-works are a great company to work with, nothing is ever too much trouble, they are professional, responsive, and quickly become part of your team."

Nikki Harvey, Head of Safeguarding, Welsh Ambulance Services University NHS Trust


The Welsh Ambulance Service safeguarding team wanted a solution to send safeguarding referrals from all over Wales to the correct Local Authority, Domestic Abuse and Fire and Rescue Services direct from crews iPads. They wanted to move away from paper reports to improve access, efficiency, legibility and reflect updated legislation.

The safeguarding team were using outdated and two different reporting systems which relied upon a multi-step process fraught with issues at each stage. Frontline staff hand wrote on paper forms, which were then faxed to the Clinical Contact Center (CCC) who then scanned and emailed them to the relevant Local Authority, often leading to problems with legibility and difficulties with finding a fax machine.

The Clinical Contact Center and NHS111 Wales staff used a single form to note their concerns which then required the safeguarding team to email them to the relevant Local Authority.


Through collaborative working with the Welsh Ambulance Services Safeguarding and IT teams, Doc-works built a powerful cloud-based referral platform which met all their requirements and more.

The Scribe Referral Portal met their criteria to be accessible 24 hours a day 7 days a week as well as meeting stringent security criteria to safely transmit very sensitive data. Once a referral has been sent no data remains on the iPad and it also meets the different requirements of all the local authorities in one solution.

Following a successful roll out of the solution the Welsh Ambulance Service safeguarding team were commended at both the Cardiff & Vale Safeguarding Board and Mid & West Wales Safeguarding Board awards accreditations for their innovation and improvement to ensure the public were safeguarded.


  • Streamlined, efficient process

    The Scribe Referral Portal enables 4 different report types to go to 22 Local Authorities and decides where each report needs to go based on the post code and the report type. The system then automatically e-mails the report to the appropriate destination.
  • Integration across operational and office staff platforms

    All operational staff can use an App on their iPads and office based staff can utilise the same system on desktop computers. They simply complete an online safeguarding form, click submit and the forms are automatically sent to the relevant Local Authority at the time of submission.
  • Enhanced reporting efficiency

    Since its introduction the safeguarding team have noticed a marked increase in the number of safeguarding reports submitted. It has also had a positive impact on time and resources as the submission process has been simplified.
  • Increasing fire safety referrals

    The Scribe Referral Portal can now be used to refer directly to the Fire & Rescue service throughout Wales. There have been 148 referrals since the introduction of this pathway which has resulted with individuals being provided with smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms and fire retardant bedding.
  • Empowering safeguarding across Wales

    As well as a new bespoke referral pathway to Dementia Connect, the digitisation of the ‘All Wales Partners Referral’ form and the ability to refer digitally to the Live Fear Free helpline is invaluable in ensuring that every contact counts to safeguard the most vulnerable across Wales.
  • Improved quality assurance and data reporting

    The safeguarding team now have the ability to review any errored, held or incomplete reports and take action to resolve them. They can also access, review, monitor and report on data for internal and external auditing.
  • Positive staff and Local Authority feedback

    Feedback from operational staff showed that they found the system simple to use, easy to understand and straightforward to use. Whilst Local Authorities fed back that the digitised forms were much clearer, no longer illegible, and far better than the old reports.
  • Close collaboration and clear communication

    Regular project management meetings were held with direct discussions between the WAST safeguarding team and the Doc-works team working on individual projects. Any urgent issues are reported to the Doc-works Service desk and resolved as soon as possible.

Find out more about Scribe Referral Portal

Fill in one form and make multiple referrals in just a few clicks to deliver safer care with Scribe Referral Portal.